WordPress for Android

Testing WordPress for Android via Droid X. You can scan the code below to download WordPress for Android.

cPanel Webmail Direct Login Script

A simple and configurable script for direct login to the cPanel webmail applications(Horde, SquirrelMail, RoundCube). <?php // Modified version of the standard cPanel login page to allow direct login to a specific webmail application. // Must set $host , $login_path , and $mail_app, defaults to cPanel proxy subdomains and SquirrelMail $host = ‘example.com’; // Uncomment one of the following to …

cPanel Email Filter for IP Range

I recently needed to block a large amount of incoming email via IP range in cPanel for a single account versus blocking the IP range on the entire server. This was accomplished using cPanel’s Account Level Filtering for Mail. Here is the filter setting using as an example. Rules: Any Header matches regex 192\.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3} Action: Discard Message