Addressing CVE-2024-6387 Vulnerability in OpenSSH

In today’s digital world, security is paramount. Recently, a critical vulnerability, CVE-2024-6387, was found in OpenSSH. This post offers a straightforward script to help you identify and fix this issue, ensuring your system remains secure. CVE-2024-6387 is a serious flaw in OpenSSH that can allow remote attackers to execute code on your system. Addressing this vulnerability promptly is crucial to …

Delta 36-725 Blade alignment to miter slot

Delta has published a set of Power Point slides showing how to adjust the blade alignment to the miter slot, using only the rear motor riser tube clamps. I am posting the untouched images from that set of slides here as a reference for anyone in need of these instructions. You can also download the original file .pptx, titled “Delta …

Phillips 50″ Plasma – No Power

Last night my TV decided to punish me right in the middle of watching Family Guy, by shutting itself off and refusing to come back on. After replacing the power cord, resetting the surge protector, and a lot of foul language, I finally gave up for the night.  After working for a few hours today, I then decided to yank …

American Censorship Day November 16

American Censorship Day November 16 – Join the fight to stop SOPA. Today, Congress holds hearings on the first American Internet censorship system. This bill can pass. If it does the Internet and free speech will never be the same. Join all of us to stop this bill.

Kayako API: How to Post a Ticket

A basic PHP example of how to post a new ticket via the Kayako v4 Rest API <?php $apiUrl = “”; $apiKey = “78db96b0-1t7c-aea4-bd51-7xf39d50cdd6”; $salt = mt_rand(); $secretKey = “ZjBiZS0N2MtMzM3MTkyNTkxMjdiZWZkMGIjE3YmJiMGUtNmY0MC0yNWU0LWY5x6DktN1NzE0LWMxMGYyZDIzOThmYjY5YT7m”; $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac(‘sha256’,$salt,$secretKey,true)); $subject = “Test Ticket”; $fullname = “DropDeadDick”; $email = “”; $contents = “Test test test test”; $departmentid = “1”; $ticketstatusid = “1”; $ticketpriorityid = “1”; $tickettypeid = …

WordPress for Android

Testing WordPress for Android via Droid X. You can scan the code below to download WordPress for Android.

Snowing in Houston

It’s snowing here in Houston today! We don’t see snow that often here and it sure doesn’t compare to the snow when I am up in Michigan. However it is a welcome change and distraction from the normal Texas weather. It is expected to continue though the rest of the day and we may actually see more than 2 inches. …

Bookworm Addiction

I seemed to have a new found addiction to Bookworm. This is not a new game to me but I recently installed in on my notebook and can’t seem to stop playing it. To make matters worse, Sharlet of has been taunting me about my scores. I think I have her beat with my new score(3,452,580), but I really …

Edible Arrangement

I received an edible arrangement today from a friend for helping with her web design class. I have seen these before but never tried them nor received one until now. I enjoy fresh fruit but don’t eat it as often as I should, so this was a welcome treat. Thanks Cathy!

My New “Desk”

My job requires a lot of hours at the keyboard, so I decide to swap my desk for something a bit more comfortable. After a little searching I opted for a recliner and a LCD stand. To round out the setup, I tossed in a wireless keyboard, wireless mouse, and a nice lap board. My only complaints so far are …