American Censorship Day November 16

American Censorship Day November 16 – Join the fight to stop SOPA. Today, Congress holds hearings on the first American Internet censorship system. This bill can pass. If it does the Internet and free speech will never be the same. Join all of us to stop this bill.

Kayako API: How to Post a Ticket

A basic PHP example of how to post a new ticket via the Kayako v4 Rest API <?php $apiUrl = “”; $apiKey = “78db96b0-1t7c-aea4-bd51-7xf39d50cdd6”; $salt = mt_rand(); $secretKey = “ZjBiZS0N2MtMzM3MTkyNTkxMjdiZWZkMGIjE3YmJiMGUtNmY0MC0yNWU0LWY5x6DktN1NzE0LWMxMGYyZDIzOThmYjY5YT7m”; $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac(‘sha256’,$salt,$secretKey,true)); $subject = “Test Ticket”; $fullname = “DropDeadDick”; $email = “”; $contents = “Test test test test”; $departmentid = “1”; $ticketstatusid = “1”; $ticketpriorityid = “1”; $tickettypeid = …

cPanel – Fix Ownership of /home/user

I recently had an issue with incorrect ownership of all files under /home/user/ due to mismatched UIDs after a cPanel server restore. The following script took care of this in no time. echo -e “Checking ownership of /home/user \n” for i in `ls /var/cpanel/users/` do if [ “$i” != “root” ]; then chown -R $i:$i /home/$i chown $i:nobody /home/$i/public_html /home/$i/.htpasswds …