Weather Sticker 2.0

Added option for locations outside of US to enter station number.
Added option to select sticker with white text.

Just upload the new wunder.php into your wp-content/plugins/ directory.

This widget displays the standard weather sticker.

Weather Widget Update

Corrected problem that prevented cities with more than one word from displaying properly.

Just upload the new wunder.php into your wp-content/plugins/ directory and all is well.

Weather Widget

UPDATE: Corrected output to meet WC3 XHTML 1.0 Transitional Standards

I thought I would take a shot at creating a Widget to display the standard weather sticker. I could have used the built in Text Widget to add the needed code to display their weather sticker, but whats the fun in that. After checking out the provided samples and a few minutes of cursing, I managed to get my widget to work. Unfortunately for my foreign friends, the weather widget only allows you to enter US locations.

To install the weather widget:
Just upload wunder.php into the wp-content/plugins/ directory, activate the module from the Plugin Management page, and then go to the Sidebar Widgets page to configure your Title, City and State.

Configuration Example

Why Not?

I haven’t maintained a site in a while so I figured why not see how much of my life I can waste tweaking this damn thing. I have no idea what I will put up here but I can promise you it’s not going to be entertaining. So move on my friend or you will lose precious minutes of your life that you will never get back.